Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique...

Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique...
Directed by Dinara Asanova
Written by Valeriy Priyomykhov
Starring Olga Mashnaya
Music by Viktor Kisin
Cinematography Vladimir Ilyin
Studio Lenfilm
Release date(s) 1984
Running time 70 minutes
Country Soviet Union
Language Russian

Dear, Dearest, Beloved, Unique... (Russian: Милый, дорогой, любимый, единственный; translit. Milyy, dorogoy, lyubimyy, edinstvennyy...) is a 1984 Soviet drama film directed by Dinara Asanova. It was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1985 Cannes Film Festival.[1]



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